Monday, 18 October 2010

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I have learnt how to use a blog to help organize my work using blogger, also it gives my teacher easy access to see how my work is progressing. The tags which I used helped me to categorize my work which also made it easier to find each piece of work I had done.

The website; flickr was also very useful as I was able to link it up with my blog and instead of all my annotations for my images being all over this blog, you could click the picture I had posted on my blog and it would take you to flickr and the annotations were in tags over the part of the picture I was talking about which was very useful.

Photoshop was very useful for creating my media product, because of the layers and the different editing tools that are available to use helped to make an appropraite product, I was able to improve my pictures and add or erase things that I didn't want in there.

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