Monday, 18 October 2010

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

I chose to put my masthead in a generic position because I believe that my audience want something with familiarity, I made it big and bold by using a font that used only capital letters so that when you read it, it appears to be shouting at you. I put the publishing date down near the bar code like many other magazines do so I do not distract the audiences attention away from the main focus. The main image has three band members looking away from where the camera is to make it seem mysterious, make the audience wonder what they might have seen. The main sell line is focusing back to the main image, it gives the audience a teaser of sorts. My other sell lines are placed to the left and at the bottom of the cover so none of the main image has been covered. The barcode is placed in the bottom right hand corner so not to distract any attention.

The font from my front cover is translated over to the contents page, I have added in the issue number and publishing date as other magazines would do on their contents. I have added in photographer credit which can be found in a small font along the left hand side of the page. I have used various font sizes because I wanted to subcategorize the articles, so I made the titles stand out by making the font white and placing them over a black background. I have included the "features" as most magazine do but I avoided putting in "regulars" because my audience would probably be put off by the word as this magazine focuses on the stranger side of music.

I have continued with the font from my masthead as it is also the font I used for the sell line for the main article. I used a pull quote from the article at the top of the page, but instead of using a different, bigger font I made it stand out by echoing the way I made the subcategories on my contents page stand out. I decided to use more than one picture on the main article instead of one large image because I think it gives it a rougher look which is what I want for my audience. At the bottom I have included information about the bands upcoming events to show that we do know our stuff about the people who we are interviewing.

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