I designed a questionnaire and thought out questions in order to help me understand the features my audience desire to see in a magazine. I handed it out to students and when I collected them back in I studied the results.
Over 50% of the students answered that they would not read the college magazine and in asking why the majority claimed that it was because it would be 'boring'. I wanted to know what would interest the students in reading the magazine, the main four answers I received were:
Over 50% of the students answered that they would not read the college magazine and in asking why the majority claimed that it was because it would be 'boring'. I wanted to know what would interest the students in reading the magazine, the main four answers I received were:
- Sports
- Music
- College Events
- Jobs
So I will be sure to include these in my magazine as it seems the majority wish to have them in the magazine. I wished to find out how much students would be willing to pay for a college magazine, over 50% said they would only pay 50p, I plan to make the first issue of my magazine 50p and then the rest of the issues will be higher in price, depending on how many buyers there are is how high the price will rise. I also plan to have adverts in my magazine which will help bring in more money and this will help to create a better quality magazine.
I also wanted to find out how often students would want each issue to be released, it was a tie between every fortnight and every month, I will be releasing mine every month in order to preserve money. I asked if they would be interested in an online version and most answered that no they would not be interested in one, so I will not be making one. 70% of students said that they would not subscribe to the magazine so I plan to make an offer to persuade them to subscribe.
One of my questions was whether the students would prefer the magazine to be formal or informal, 100% answered that they wished for the magazine to be informal.
By asking all of these questions I am now able to create a magazine which I know that my audience will enjoy and hopefully buy on a regular basis.
I also wanted to find out how often students would want each issue to be released, it was a tie between every fortnight and every month, I will be releasing mine every month in order to preserve money. I asked if they would be interested in an online version and most answered that no they would not be interested in one, so I will not be making one. 70% of students said that they would not subscribe to the magazine so I plan to make an offer to persuade them to subscribe.
One of my questions was whether the students would prefer the magazine to be formal or informal, 100% answered that they wished for the magazine to be informal.
By asking all of these questions I am now able to create a magazine which I know that my audience will enjoy and hopefully buy on a regular basis.
I researched existing college magazines to help further my knowledge while doing so I was able to analyse the features of the magazine such as; font; colour; picture placements and other various things. I then choose the cover I found the most interesting and uploaded it to flickr so I was able to annotate it, also I was able to add tags to the cover which helped me to see the smaller details so I would be able to use this in my own work.
When I planned my magazine cover I first decided on the two colours I would use, I decided I would keep it fairly neutral by using black and red which would appeal to both male and female audiences. My title, I decided should be simple nothing too 'out there' or I would put off certain audiences, so I settled for 'College Crush' but the font I used was fairly stylish as I'd kept everything else simple. I made the placement of my pictures as evenly spaced as possible so I could fit in at least three sell lines, four if needed. For my cover background image I looked at 'Campus Life' and decided my model needed to have at least one of the colours on that I had used for my fonts.
I kept my contents page simple, using the sell lines that had been selected in my questionnaire and using three picture that I had taken and found on the internet which fitted in with my sell lines.